Gray Area:

Indeterminate territory, undefined positions, neither black nor white - especially digital assets & securities.

URL to IRLâ„¢

Our expertise reside at the intersection of finance, law, and digital assets. Such alternative investments include crypto, NFTs, trophy real estate, and blockchain ventures - some of which, may or may not, be loosely considered securities (or derivatives).

Though experts in our domains, we are more importantly united by our mission to improve access & understanding of digital assets, for institutions and retail investors, alike.



1. Any and all investment contracts, debt instruments, equity instruments – you name it.

2. The opposite of insecurities – the physical features/personality features which you know make you wondrous.

In 1946, the Supreme Court defined a security as anything that meets these four criteria.

  1. It is an investment of money

  2. There is an expectation of profits from the investment

  3. The investment of money is in a common enterprise

  4. Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third party


A financial consulting advisory built for the digital generation.